Development Blog
Here is where you can find sporadic updates on my in-development game projects as I remember to do them. My primary focus is TerraForma, but there are aspects of Glyphscape that I would like to write-up for posterity, so those may appear here as well.
[03/20/24] devlog_01 - Introducing TerraForma
As 2023 came to a close, with Glyphscape in a mostly-complete and far-out-of-scope state, I started work on a new game. I am now far enough along that I can start to share my progress.
TerraForma is a survival/crafting game set on a distant-future Earth. Civilization has all but collapsed, save for a plucky group of colonists who have been dropped back to the surface after centuries in orbital stasis. The Earth's surface has been retaken by nature, and the interior of the wrecked cities, buried deep within the earth, are now inhabited by fearsome mutants and perilous long-forgotten security measures. [Read More]