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A turn-based RPG adventure set in a handcrafted open world filled with carefully placed secrets and charming characters. D&D-inspired dice-based outcomes, with unique upgrade systems, open-ended spellcrafting, Zelda-inspired dungeons and map design.
You will play as The Dreamer, who has awoken to find their world in collapse. The great world turtles are fleeing the land, and with them, the forces that are vital to the survival of the diverse inhabitants of the world of Glyphscape.​​​
READ MORE: ~/games/glyphscape

A relaxing fishing game set in a colorful cosmic bayou. Created in just under 14 days for Figerox's Tackle Box Fishing Jam
Align constellations to drop a fish into cosmic ponds. Go fishing and collect dozens of unique fish. ​With each fish you collect, you will unlock fragments of the mythology of that fish's galaxy. Each level contains a unique set of fish, aesthetic theme, and metaphysical cosmic lore!