Editor's note: While many art pieces were produced by The Enduring at Stalwart haven, no pieces were saved during the events of 14th of Decembary, 5502. As such, the only pieces on display in this gallery are those that were intact at the time of archiving in 5507 or beyond.
Ice Age Works
These works were created during, or relate to the ice age that began on Decembary 15, 5503, and ended exactly one year later on Decembary 15, 5504. The period represents a time of strife for The Enduring. The emotional toll of the tragedy of 14 Decembary, 5502 was wearing on Kevin and Riesling, and the limitations of Kevin's human form were ever present in his mind as the long winter whittled their new family down to the bone.
Strife with Kevin
Johann 'Wolfgang' Strauss, 5504
Wood Carving
This piece bears an illustration of Kevin Nilsson crouching next to a fire and shivering uncontrollably. Seven shivering hippopotamuss surround the scene. The style is modern with detail-oriented elements. This representation relates to Kevin getting hypothermia on 10th of Decembary, 5503
The events depicted here predate the onset of the 5504 Ice Age by 5 days, but illustrate the colony's unpreparedness during this time. This piece is the only surviving work from Strauss, who himself succumbed to malnutrition in Decembary of 5505, mere days before the first thaw in Aprimay 5506.

Melee Fighting Skills of Sis
Paula Butler, 5504
Wood Carving
This carving bears a portrayal of Riesling 'Sis' Bacchus crouching next to a fire while her face slowly turns blue. Thousands of dying hornets lay on the ground. This portrayal tells the story of Sis getting hypothermia on 14th of Jugust, 5504
Attitude of a Alpaca
Paula Butler, 5504
Wood Carving
On this carving is an illustration of a alpaca collapsed in a chair with her newborn a alpaca, who is looking around with an expression of serenity. The scene takes place inside a newly built village. The style is fauvistic with surrealistic elements. This depiction refers to the alpaca giving birth to the alpaca on 15th of Jugust, 5504
While the work may first appear kitsch, it is included in this gallery due to the context of its creation during the first frost of the 5504 Ice Ace. The surrealist imagery highlights the absurdity of bringing another generation of mouths to feed during such a dire time.

Jade Age Works
The jade to produce these works was procured some time in 5505, but remained unused as the colony's focus remained on survival. These pieces were produced between Late 5506-Early 5507, and marked a time in the colony when inspiration and creativity fluorished, in contrast to the many quadrums of strife in years prior.

Vision 004MC
Dominic 'Pom' Franz, 5506
Jade Relief
This work bears an image of several drunkards and clerics eating gourds together. Almost every shape in the image seems to be well-balanced. Though few would expect it, if you squint your eyes, the rectangular composition of the image reveals the outline of a brigand.
Riesling 'Sis' Bacchus, 5506
Royal Bed with Jade Relief
An engraving on this furniture depicts Younghoon 'Hoon' Kim putting together a heavy machine gun complex while smiling proudly. Ten dentists gaze in awe. The scene takes place on the outskirts of a district. The style is symbolic with hyper-realistic elements. This portrayal relates to Hoon finishing construction on a HMG complex on 3rd of Septober, 5506
Sis's decision to engrave such a scene on her own bed is in alignment with colonists' description of her having a 'bloodlust' that provided her with ecstatic joy during battle.

Paula for Black
Denise 'Dyna' Jonie, 5507
Jade Relief
This carving bears an image of Paula Butler removing the clothes of Luke 'Lacks' Ackroyd with a sense of purpose. Lacks is breathing heavily for no obvious reason. Nine surgeons appear to the right of the main scene. The work is infused with the idea of unrest and is done in a simple style. The illustration refers to Paula stripping Lacks on 4th of Decembary, 5506.